Russian tinder profiles
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If you are looking for true love russian tinder profiles Tinder probably isn’t your best bet. Here are 25 of the funniest tinder profiles ever.
If you don’t know who Mr. C The Slide Man is then we can’t be friends. This guy who is totally blessed with his fake glasses. Mr Horsey to Strangers, Toby Horsey to friends. This girl who just wants to be a slug.
This guy who can cook a girl. Mike the diamond encrusted grill wearing Great White Shark. He seems like a cool guy. Becca has a lot going for her. I’m a strong, independent male who don’t need a woman to pay the bills.
Wait did we read that right? Shrek is on Tinder, but don’t tell Fiona. Meet Marwa, a girl who knows exactly what she wants to get out of her Tindering experience and exactly how she wants it. I can’t knock a person for wanting what they want and ONLY what they want.
Usually, I’m not willing to settle for second best either. So I can’t shit and piss all over this girl for her overly specific, and kind of aggressive, Tinder profile. However, I know one Jewish guy who wouldn’t mind shitting and pissing all over her. In fact, he’s kind of done it by posting this all online. Hitler wasn’t successful in his quest to eliminate all jews from planet earth. To be very clear: Looks aren’t everything.
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